Join us as we celebrate women’s history! Building on our work to commemorate milestone anniversaries of UVA’s journey to full co-education, the Women’s Center is excited to call for proposals of

Abigail Schofield (AS): We’ll start with an easy question. Can you introduce yourself, tell me a bit about your current role at the English department in UVA? Jess Swoboda (JS): I'm a Jefferson Fellow

Why do we celebrate Women’s History Month? There are two sides to the answer.

Join us as we celebrate women’s history and (borrowing from the 2021 Presidential Proclamation), “pay tribute to the trailblazers from the recent and distant past for daring to envision a future for

by Abby Palko, October 21, 2021 History is not merely a set of facts. A robust slate of Women's History Month programming will meet participants' desire to consider not just the bare facts of the past

Even before 1970, about 30,000 women earned diplomas, certificates and degrees at UVA – and not all for nursing and teaching. The history of the University is incomplete without bringing to light the contributions and experiences of women who came to the Grounds to get an education over the last 100 years.